A session with Keri is one of the most relaxing yet refreshing things you can do for your body and soul. Keri is able to read what your body needs, and most importantly, what it DOESN'T need. Keri can see what emotional blockages are stored in the body, and gently release them.

The result is a lighter, freer, cleaner feeling YOU - you are closer to your true nature, without the added, often subconscious, burdens we place upon ourselves.


Allow Keri's loving nature to enhance the quality of YOUR life. When we hold on to past hurts, our bodies eventually take the hit - often resulting in injuries, chronic pain, and disease.

An energy healing session with Keri will help untangle emotional wounds we often don't even realize we still carry, and allow your body to help itself and do what it's designed to do: function smoothly, heal itself, and run all bodily systems as efficiently as possible.


You will be asked to lie face up on the table. Keri will then start your session with touches and pressure on your body and energy meridians, much like acupressure, usually starting with your head and working her way down to your feet.  About half way through, you wil be asked to flip over.

If you have any medical issues or concerns that you feel are relevant to your session, please let Keri know. All information is held with the strictest client privacy and confidentiality. We want your energy session to be done within the safest environment for your optimal healing potential!


Please no alcohol for 24 hours before your session, as it interferes with the flow of your body's energy and it may prove to be very difficult to have the thorough, complete healing session that you deserve. Sometimes, releasing your body's energetic blockages may bring forth strong or intense emotions.

Please realize that this happens because your body and soul are READY to release them! Please allow the feelings to flow through, as it is temporary, and its something your body needed to let go of anyway.




It was by chance (or divine intervention) I met Keri when I did. I was in a really tough spot mentally and physically, amid the painful dissolution of my marriage.
I found myself investing a pretty penny in counseling, not really gaining what I needed though. A close friend suggested a bodywork session. New concept to me, but I only had room to gain nothing to lose. - Enter Keri.
She eased my myriad of hot mess-ness with calm and ease. Her skills and intuition are beyond amazing. It was after my second session when I realized I had gained more (and spent less) from Keri and her ninja like bodywork ability. Her gifts are one of a kind, nothing short of fabulous. Keri will most certainly positively impact your life if you allow yourself to be opened to embrace the change.


Atascdero, CA


Keri has been doing energy work on me numerous times now.  I am going through a very challenging time in my personal life, which is affecting my physical health as well.  Her sessions have helped me to receive clarity, allowed me to feel safer and more resourceful.  They have armored me against potentially painful confrontations, and let me deal with conflict in a much calmer and more collected way. No matter how tense I am when I go into her sessions, and no matter how much turmoil I am in at the time, I always leave her sessions very relaxed and at peace. I am so glad to know Keri and have the privilege of being one of her clients.

Steffi K

Atascdero, CA


By far one of the most healing transformative experiences I’ve had! I was feeling chronically tired and had random aches and pains before seeing Keri. She personalized her skills to exactly what I needed and does so every time I go see her! She has removed so many energetic blockages that I’ve been feeling my whole life, freeing up space for me to feel better. She is the one stop shop for any healing you want to do in life! I couldn’t recommend her more!

Nancy A.

San Diego


Keri is amazing!
She is so personable, fun and real. She's my "go to" gal for spiritual insight and guidance and is always spot on in bringing me the clarity I need.

Quinn C.

San Diego


“She is such a skilled healer, and facilitated a deeply moving and nurturing healing experience for me. Since, I have maintained a sense of calm and mindful peace that I have not felt for a very, very long time. Keri’s feedback about my session mirrored my experience of the healing as it was taking place and resonated deeply giving me further avenues to reflect on and explore. Ive researched into energy healing and for me it worked because of the balance and calm I felt after.

Ian H.

