Keri is a San Diego native, connected with everything a beach city has to offer. A lifetime of empathic work and attunment to others, both human and animal, have allowed Keri to hone her healing gifts.

Keri ran a survival safety swim school for infants and children for many years.  This was mainly in California and the tri-state area of New York, as well as plenty of other cities throughout the US. These diverse locations provided her with an international clientele, for both swimming and energy work. The beauty of energy work is that it can be done remotely. Reiki certifications help broaden Keri's healing modalities to optimize your well being.

Keri is not a medical doctor and  energy work is not a substitute for medical consultation, evaluation and/or treatment. And don't let that deter you. You wouldn't have read this far if you didn't already know there was something incredible in store for you.


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+1.858.539.3209 PST